Fortune Cookie
Anything and Everything about Fortune Cookie
Party & Gift Ideas
All the fun you can have with fortune cookies.
Customize fortune cookies for an occasion. Customize fortune cookies for each occasion - such as decorating it for Christmas, Valentine's Day, Easter, etc.
Give fortune cookie like a card to go with a gift. Make your own fortune cookie or order custom made cookie with your own message inside of the cookie.
Use fortune cookies as a part of treasure hunt game. Write each clue on a paper and insert it into a cookie and hide them for treasure hunt game.
Crack a giant fortune cookie like a penata. Order custom made giant fortune cookie and crack it open at the party with mini hammer
Use fortune cookies to give away prizes. Write number or word on a paper, insert it into a cookie, and distribute them to the guests at the party. Or insert "winner" paper only in a winning cookie, and leave other cookies empty.